Edgy Grunge from the Garage!
The Desert Sharks are on the attack with gritty and firey garage punk grunge alternative rock that is sure to make a solid place in your music listening. The Brooklyn based quartet have been creating great sounds and solid music for over a decade now and know their way around and have all it takes to crush it.
They are led by frontwoman and bassist Stephanie Gunther, guitarist Stefania Rovera and Sunny Veniero and Rebecca Fruchter driving the solid beat behind the drums. They released Baby’s Gold Death Stadium in 2019 on Substitute Scene Records and are back in 2022 with plenty of energy and sound to wake the dead. The single “How To Dress For the Apocalypses” was a great take on the pandemic as the were sidelined by the tragic events facing the world over the past two years.
Recently, the band dropped two heavy-rock covers of ‘Til Tuesday’s pop anthem, “Voices Carry,” and T. Rex’s “20th Century Boy.” They add plenty of groove to both tracks and will have shivers running down your spine! The band will also be heading into the studio soon for a brand new EP and are looking to book a tour and make up for time lost (as are most artists who were hard-hit by not being able to play out) during the pandemic. “Take a listen to our newest singles – our covers of “Voices Carry” by ‘Til Tuesday and “20th Century Boy” by T. Rex. We’re super proud of them! It was such a fun experience, especially taking songs we grew up loving and giving them a heavier guitar-driven twist. Bandcamp dubbed our sound as “gloom punk” in 2019 and we’ve fully embraced that description. Desert Sharks is influenced by a lot of different genres – punk, metal, goth, grunge, garage, doom, etc. We’ve always tended to gravitate towards a heavier guitar-driven sound, and over the years have been able to really expand on that and create something that feels unique to us.“
“We love to play loud. Loud guitars. Loud bass. Loud drums, loud vocals. It’s our love language. We all grew up listening to music with our families and have been playing instruments since we were teens. Our timing was right that we found each other when we did (through Craigslist, it’s true) and had a similar vision of what we wanted to create.“
One thing is definite with the Desert Sharks, their love and passion for music fuels their fire and they continue to pour their hearts out after a decade of making music. “Time is crazy but yes it’s been a decade. We’ve always found it easy to write with each other, pretty much since day one. We’ve been super lucky that our styles mesh and that we’ve been able to communicate creatively and evolve our sound collectively. We’ve been through a lot together with both band stuff (recordings, tours, etc) and with our personal lives. Being friends, mutual respect, and laughing a lot makes it a solid relationship.“
“Baby’s Gold Death Stadium” is our debut full length album. We’re super proud of it. Our earlier EP’s are fun, but we hadn’t really figured out exactly what our sound was when we wrote those. BGDS is our stamp on the world signifying who we are musically. We’re currently writing a new EP, and we feel it will be an even better example of what we’ve got to offer.“
Look for the Desert Sharks to finish up their new record and go on tour as they spread their infectious high energy music to the masses. Believe me, their live performance is off the chain and filled with wild intensity and high energy from start to finish. They will rock your socks off and have you hungry for more of their great sounds and adreneline filled music. “We have a few shows in Brooklyn coming up that we’ll be announcing. Our focus right now is to finish writing our new EP and getting back into the studio to record it! We had to cancel a West Coast tour that we were super excited about because of the pandemic. Of course, we’re not alone in having a wild time navigating this new “norm.” By continuing to write and do what we love we’ve been able to keep ourselves sane, shed toxic elements, and improve our sound. We can’t wait for people to hear what we’ve been working on. Take our tunes for a spin! We hope you dig them.”
The Desert Sharks music is available on all streaming platforms like Spotify, Itunes, Amazon, etc. You can also head over to our bandcamp – desertsharks.bandcamp.com to grab music, vinyl, and merch. Make sure you check them out now before the end of the world or apocalypses is upon us! See them live, buy their gear, get their music and crank it loud. Be sure to catch them live because it’s one show that is worth experiencing! You will definitely be glad you did!